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Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions was founded in 1997, and was a pioneer in bringing guests to Svalbard on organised trips. Even then, the vision was to bring guests to show them the magical and magnificent nature of Svalbard, while keeping a limited footprint.

Many decades later, Svalbard Wildlife has the same passion and vision, and we are proud to be one of the most sustainable tour operators on Svalbard.


Experiencing the untouched Svalbard nature in a non-motorised way is at the core of our strategy and product portfolio, and most of our guest we bring either on foot, on kayaks or on skies. When there is a need for transport to get into the wilderness, public transport is used as far as is practically possible. The few snowmobile trips we offer are focused on small groups and overnight trips. We have a limited number of our own snowmobiles, and have chosen to rent snowmobiles locally if we need more.

We have categorised our tours betweeen sustainability level from 1 to 3 so that guests easy can select:

Sustainability 1/3

The least sustainable category of our tours. On this tours motorised transport is used to move around. Still the tours are considered sustainable as groups  are small which impact nature less

Sustainability 2/3

Our medium sustainable choice. Here, public transport or transport by car is used to the starting point of the trip.

Sustainability 3/3

Our most sustainable category. Here, we primarily use our own body as an engine and it is only a short drive to reach the starting point.


The extended concept of sustainability (environmental, social and economic) is an integrated part of Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions daily routines. Our internal guidelines and procedures act on a number of conditions related to sustainability, as for instance procurement & purchasing, waste management, our leave-no-trace philosophy etc. Our aim is to be in line with the United Nations Sustainability goals of make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity.


Guidelines for the Eco-Lighthouse certification also set conditions to ensure that we operate was sustainable as possible. We have to go through annual reporting which is also presented to employees. We also try to let our employees, and especially the guides, take an active part in suggesting how we can improve ourselves, which further is input for annual goals we sets for the company. We have also just gone through an extensive recertification. On average, we have a very good score on the CO2 footprint and are far better than the industry average

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Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions is a member of the Visit Svalbard / Svalbard Tourism Council and is thereby obliged to follow a set of common environmental and safety guidelines for all members' activities.

We have chosen not to claim our rightful reimbursement from Svalbard's Environmental Fund for business-related trips to the mainland. The funds will initiate and stimulate projects and measures aimed at protecting Svalbard's natural environment.


In Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions, we have also adopted Visit Svalbard's sustainable travel destination. Furthermore, consideration of socially, economically and environmentally responsible activity is integrated into all our daily operations. You can read about them here.


Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions AS is organised through the Norwegian Trade Organization (NHO) and several employees are organised in employee organisations; an important measure in relation to ensuring that we can offer our employees the right working conditions. We have chosen to offer employees a salary level in line with NHO standards.

For Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions AS, year-round operation is an important element in being able to offer employees permanent employment and stable and safe positions.


When hiring, Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions prioritises professional competence. Gender, sexual orientation, age or nationality are not among the criteria that are assessed, and we have, among other things, a significant mix of nationalities among our employees.



Requirements for suppliers' and partners' positioning in terms of sustainability, diversity and equality have not been formalized as of today, but we are focusing on that via certification in the Environmental Lighthouse. We also buy local and eco-labelled products as far as possible.

Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions also chooses local suppliers when developing our tours, for example for transport services such as boat or snowmobile transport, and we work closely with other tour operators in Svalbard to be able to offer customers a comprehensive experience, while at the same time helping to increase the number days of stay.


All of the company's partners are members of the Svalbard Tourist Board and undertake through membership to follow common environmental and safety guidelines.



On our tours, nature and wildlife are treated with respect. A good distance is kept both so as not to disturb the surroundings and to preserve the safety of the guests on tour. On the overnight trips, there are simple but comfortable facilities. We hope this will also help to give the guest perspective on how little one needs to feel good, and that we believe it gives a stronger closeness to nature. We also send out detailed packing lists so that guests do not have to buy more than they need, and that we rent out some equipment.


All rubbish and waste is taken back, including what we come across on our way that may have been left by others.

We believe that you, as a guest on Svalbard, want to be left with even more than good experiences.

Meeting Svalbard's nature and the special cultural history up here provides a fine framework for learning more about nature, history, outdoor life, interaction and sustainable experiences. Our goal is to give you the opportunity for both great experiences and useful lessons that can be taken on.

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